Tidying up in Tottenham

With the Post Brexit mania combined with the media hype we seem to have seen the explosion of race crimes recently. Maybe there has been a rise in these crimes or maybe there has just been a rise in the reporting . This could be down to the fact that people are waking up to the possibilities that the ugly side of racism and fascism is not something that happens in other places, but on our own doorsteps or it could be that the current climate is inflating some egos and some racists are feeling brave enough to come out of the woodwork and show their true colours.

Last night a large group of us took a look around Tottenham and found in a heavily Jewish area racist and fascist stickers were evident. After removing many Nazi stickers, we were asked by locals what we were doing and we explained and told them we were tidying up Tottenham. They were shocked and supportive and hopefully they will keep an eye out in future.


Last week following reports of undesirable stickers appearing in Camden a few of us took to the streets to Clean up. Whilst out on our mission we were again approached by some locals enquiring on what we were doing. Once explained, the locals said they would keep their eye out and as we have now seen with tape and stickers the locals are leaving their own messages for the racists.

The battle of the stickers has been a long and drawn out battle but it is always full of surprises, yesterdays trip we came across some positive spray paint letting us know we are not losing the battle, there are others out there with antifascism on their mind.


So not to give a platform to these people we will only show the after. We think you can guess the rest.

The tidy up team NLAF


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